Thursday, December 13, 2007

Loverboy of America

Young Britain is cocaine capital of the world with more abuse than U.S. for first time
'Fashionable': Nearly one in 20 young Britons took cocaine last year
The proportion of young Britons who take cocaine is now the highest in the developed world, a report revealed recentlu.
For the first time, the percentage of 15 to 34-year-olds trying the drug has overtaken that in America.
Nearly one in 20 young Britons took cocaine last year, as it replaced cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines as the most fashionable drug among the young.
For decades, Americans have been the chief users of the drug, which has been cheaply and easily available in cities there.
Until the last decade, cocaine was usually seen in Britain as the preserve of pop stars and City traders.
But low prices, an increasing supply and the unpopularity of other drugs has meant that Britain - together with Spain - now has the highest levels of cocaine consumption among the young here.
Figures showed that 4.9 per cent of men and women aged between 15 and 34 used the drug in Britain last year - around 800,000 young people.
In America, the percentage was slightly lower, at 4.8 per cent.

Lover boy of

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